Monday, 23 July 2018

Top 5 Monthly Website Maintenance Tips For Your Business

Websites are highly essential for every single company. They need to be maintained properly so that they can be attractive to the viewers and serve without any hindrance. Wondering how your company’s website can be maintained? Well here are 5 easy tips which will help you to do the monthly maintenance service.
However, always keep in mind that website maintenance services will give you better results than doing it on your own. So it’s always recommended that you hire a professional to keep your website well maintained. Now let us delve into the 5 great tips, take a look.
The Top 5 Tips for Website Maintenance
  • Add New Content
Though this is not the only thing that will determine how your website is doing but updating your content in a regular basis will give the visitors a variety. A refreshed feed will keep the customers enthusiastic. It also gives an impression that a company takes its website maintenance seriously. So get the website maintenance done every month.
  • Check For Compatibility
Whenever you add something new and exciting in your site you must check whether it is compatible on all platforms or not. A lot of people will visit your site but what’s the point of giving out information if they are not able to view it anyway? So keep on checking whether all the parts are supported by every browser present and every device that you can think of.

  • Improve The Speed Of Your Site
As you keep of loading more content, the site speed is bound to drop. Ask the professionals to check the speed of your site with the various told they have. If it’s found to be way too slow, then take measures to improve the speed of the site. A site with old content can be overlooked, but a site which lacks speed? That’s a no, no for any kind of business. Maintain a smart internet presence.
  • Interaction Space
Add a space of your website that will allow you to interact with your potential customers. Maybe give them a contact us box where they can express whatever they have on their mind. They might also be able to inform you about the various bugs in your site that you overlooked initially. You can then call the WordPress maintenance services providers and fix the errors pointed out by the visitors. The key to a successful online business is allowing the customers to speak their heart out. Assure them that they are being heard.
  • Unused Plugins Can Be Eliminated
A lot of websites which are on WordPress have a plethora of plugins. These plug-in improve the functionality of any kind of sites. However, there might be a huge no. of plugins which in turn tampers with the performance of your site. So if you think there are a lot of excess plugins which are not needed by your site then call WordPress Website Maintenance Company and get those removed. This will greatly improve the security of the site and make it faster at the same time. See how users enjoy surfing through your amazing website.
Thus these were the top 5 tips that can be beneficial for any company. Website maintenance should be done on a regular basis and make sure that professionals are called for it. After all your website is an online asset that brings you a lot more recognition and revenue than any physical store. So, maintain a healthy and fast website and see the growth.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Is Your Site Ready For Mobile First?

There is no doubt about the fact that mobile traffic has come a long way when it comes to generating traffic online. It is a fact that most of the traffic that is generated online is from the mobile websites. Did you know that almost 79% of the traffic that will be generated this year will be from the smartphones? No matter what services you have, mobile phones will get you what you want.
Tablets and smartphones rule the online world these days so, it is really important for the business developers to know that whether their sites are ready for the mobile-first index or not.
There is no surprise when we say that Google is one of the main factors for the generation of traffic for the websites. Mobile certainly is a critical tool and just having a site that is mobile-optimized is not important. There can be some potential issues and it is important to increase the appeal of the website on Google.
Here’s how you can know that whether your site is ready to face the potential issues or not.
The Mobile-First Index Of Google: What Exactly Is It?
Let’s be honest, when we first got to know about this indexing for mobile-friendly websites, we certainly thought that the apocalypse had struck.
Let’s just say that some websites couldn’t take the burn and be completely destroyed. Online forums were filled with riots. Well, not really but the situation was close enough. Well, why not exactly? The indexing system for the Google-First websites will change the particular way in which the users and businessmen optimize their content.
So, what is all the hype about? What exactly is this mobile-first index? Well, let’s just say that Google’s mobile-first index will ensure that the user’s mobile website used first for the evaluation of a site instead of the desktop version. This surely will change the way people focus on their websites for sure. And what is the reason behind this importance to the mobile websites? Well, it is because the traffic generated by mobile websites is surpassing the desktop websites.
How to Know Whether the Website Is Ready For Mobile-First Index
It is really important to make sure that their websites are all capable to handle the pressures of the mobile-first index.
But how exactly can they make sure that their websites are all ready to take the leap? Well, that all depends on the setup that your mobile websites and desktop websites have in the current situation.
What are some of the common things that people use in their mobile websites? Well, it would definitely be mobile-friendliness of the websites and the mobile responsiveness of the website.
Now, you might be thinking that these two websites have almost the same things in them. But then if you think so, you would be wrong. They sound exactly similar; there is one major difference that can have a great impact on your website.
You see Google likes the responsive mobile websites that will allow the user to eliminate the simple experience issues. Hence, having a mobile-responsive website would really help.
It won’t be an easy task for the mobile websites to reach Google mobile-first index so easily. However, if your website is strong enough, then you might get to enjoy the benefits that come with it.