Friday, 26 October 2018

Why Social Media is an Important Part of Your SEO Strategy ?

Wondering whether to give more importance to SEO or Social Media Marketingstrategy or both? Search the brand name ‘Microsoft’ on ‘Google’ and the Twitter feeds of Microsoft will appear in the search results. Other than Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other active social media handles of leading brands can be seen on search engine pages too.
As per the latest statistics, the current world population of 7.6 billion people. Out of the 7.6 billion, 4.2 billion users use the internet and 3.03 billion people are active social media users. The number of social media users are rising and so are the search queries, both in search engines as well as through search on social websites.
A simple search of a known brand gives a clear picture about the critical role played by social media in the success of your SEO strategy.Here are some of the key reasons why social media should be an essential part of your SEO plans:
  • Search in Social Media
Did you know, it is not only the search engines where people search for keywords but also the search feature on social media websites? Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or another social search engine, people search for information on their favourite social networks. That’s why, brands need to push valuable data on their social media profiles as well.
Additionally, there are dedicated search engines such as Google Social Search, Pipl, Buzzsumo and others to find answers across social search pages. SEO optimisation by reputed SEO services companies also includes optimising search results in social media search results.
  • Ranking of social profiles in search engines
As per Statcounter September 2018 statistics, Google continues to dominate as the market leader with 92.3% in search engine market share globally. Social profiles are important because they feature on search engine pages for specific search queries wherein answers can be found in social media posts, descriptions or other valuable content. Social Media Optimization services by a SEO Company will be invaluable for businesses aiming to push the ranking of their social profiles on leading search pages. Generally, social media optimization involves regular posting of fresh content and search engines search the web for fresh content related to search queries to give search users the latest information on the search query.
  • Brand consistency in social media, web pages and other landing pages
Imagine going to a brand store and liking a product. You will wish for the same product quality in the other stores of the same brand. Similarly, the social pages and the official website of a brand need to have consistency in the style and tone of visual as well as text content presented to your visitors. For businesses, trying something new without brand consistency can mislead the brand perception of their followers.It is not a good idea to add too much casual content on the social page of business that is formal in tone on their official website. Connect with your target audience across platforms to build your brand online and in turn, it will positively impact your SEO efforts as well.
  • Interlinking of web pages and social media sites for cross-branding
Authentic links of a brand shared on social pages lead to more quality links on the web. SEO services can deliver more effective campaigns by reposting quality links from one social website to another site. Also, placing social sharing buttons with your SEO-enriched articles helps to amplify your content across platforms.
  • Increase your reach on social networks
Choose the social networks frequently visited by your target audience. Share more content on those specific social networks than rushing towards building a presence everywhere. Focussing on specific social networks will not only boost your reach but also push the page rankings of those sites on search pages due to higher chances of social profile page engagement.
While there are people who can get you fake followers on social media sites, search engines are smart enough to identify those fake followers. Increase your social media reach in an organic way with engaging content that is posted regularly. If search engines find out about the fake following on your social sites, it may affect the search rankings you have been attracting through your social pages.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Why your business needs a WordPress Maintenance plan?

WordPress is no doubt one of the most popular CMS platforms used by big brands for building stunning websites. But once the website is built, do you want to stop taking care of the website. Probably not. Most websites are created for a purpose. If you want regular engagement happening on your website, WordPress Maintenance services are something you should seriously think about.
Here are 5 key reasons why a business requires professional WordPress Maintenance service plans for your website:
  1. Save time and efforts spent on DIY and additional resources
Say you are an e-commerce website owner or a professional service provider from a non-IT sector, would you prefer to spend your precious time on finding solutions for websites issues? If apparel manufacturing is what you do best, give the web maintenance work to the experts at a WordPress maintenance services firm who are qualified and experienced in web maintenance tasks.
Initially, it may be exciting to try solving the issues on your own but in the long-term, would it be worth your time or an effective solution to maintain your website on a regular basis? Maybe not. A DIYer may take more time to solve the issues compared to an expert.
  1. Automated updates and backups
WordPress releases updates regularly for improving the user experience. Experts will keep track of these updates and install it on time. Plugins are used for adding functionalities to WordPress websites. The latest updates for the plugins installed on your websites need to be updated for the functionalities to run effectively.
WordPress website maintenance services have scheduled backups for your websites. These backups can be used to restore your website quickly in case of a website crash. DDoS updates are also taken care of by WordPress maintenance services.
  1. Malware Monitoring
WordPress Maintenance plans usually come with 24/7 malware monitoring. This ensures that your website is safeguarded from unwanted intrusion. If your website exchanges sensitive data, then the maintenance experts will suggest advanced security protection as required.
  1. Tech Support
There are several technical glitches or security issues that can hamper the experience of your site users.Syntax errors, 404 errors, image issues are some of the tech issues that can occur in WordPress. If you are unable to solve the technical issues immediately on an active website with good site traffic then it may even impact the bottom line of your web-based business.
There is no guarantee that there won’t be any glitches if you are dealing with automated technology. A code error or corrupt file can also bring your website down. With a professional website maintenance services team to help you, technical issues can be resolved promptly with manual intervention by humans.
For customers or potential clients visiting your website, a website that is down consistently can cost your business and ruin your brand reputation. If the website is slow or shows errors due to lack of maintenance, customers might lose interest in your websites and may never return.
  1. Timely Maintenance
If you pile up maintenance issues, it will eventually become a mammoth maintenance task which can be expensive too. Regular WordPress maintenance means less website-related problems in the future. A well-maintained website also helps in your SEO efforts.