Monday 17 December 2018

Why SEO Is Important For Business In 2019?

There are so many things a digital marketing and SEO company can do to build your online presence. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) emerged with the rise of people turning to search engines to find solutions for their problems. Be it a mere question to find the amount of water to be added in a soup recipe or to find a furniture shop in the vicinity, searching online is a common practice these days.
The way of life has changed in many ways. Take for example, geographic navigation. GPS systems made navigation easier. Digital route maps are gaining accuracy with user inputs. A search engine will guide you with the name of all the establishments that can help you with food, fuel or other facilities in your route. Google, Bing and Yahoo are some of the leading search engines in the world.
Among search engines, Google holds the highest market share. You will find user reviews of businesses, landmarks, and other places on the digital route maps. Reviews, good or bad, create an impression of the business for online users. To manage these reviews, you may need the best SEO services. India-based companies have some of the best SEO experts to manage a brand’s online presence online.
We are nearing the end of the year and it’s time to take a look at how SEO is going to impact businesses in 2019.
Just speak for a search audio response
These days devices with voice-enabled searches are changing the way we seek answers. Be it Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa, people are moving towards a tomorrow where they no longer have to key in the search query, they just need to ask what they need. While the voice assistants are still learning to better answer the queries of users, next year, they will be much smarter with the data they have acquired so far. Search Engine Optimization is not just about page rankings in search engines, it is much more. Explore SEO for voice searches with an experienced SEO Agency. India is an emerging nation where tech-savvy consumers are adapting to latest tech offerings such as voice assistants. Providers of SEO services who stay abreast of the latest in the SEO and tech world will be needed for serving forward-thinking clients.
Consistent brand experience across devices
Your website’s performance matters across devices. Does it take too much time to load on smartphones? Is it easy to navigate your website on a mobile device? Smartphones continue to be useful for search but limiting SEO efforts to smartphones isn’t going to help in 2019.
In 2018, Google introduced the mobile-first indexing update. 2018 had been a year where the trend of using mobile phones and other handheld devices to search increased. And 2019 will be a year where this trend will continue with more and more users shifting to sleek devices with seamless interfaces to search for answers.
Those providing SEO services as per the latest trends will have to emphasize the importance of moving to mobile-friendly web pages to clients who haven’t done so yet.
Intelligence for personalisation with AI and future technologies
Leading technology companies are developing future technologies or acquiring new technologies to find keep up with the times. Artificial Intelligence is used by most companies to offer personalised services to clients. The data generated from AI services is being used now for decision-making and creating innovative business strategies that better address the needs of the customers.
Search engines are using AI to evaluate websites on the basis of user-friendliness and data relevance. SEO companies, therefore, need to develop strategies that include provide better user experience and valuable content to users who search for their services. Ecommerce search and social media search engines are also gaining prominence.
Simply focussing on usual search engines isn’t enough anymore. How the latest search trends and upcoming technologies are going to transform the SEO landscape is something to watch out for in 2019.
Aarav Infotech is an ISO-certified digital marketing and SEO services company that helps businesses to stay ahead by implementing strategies as per the latest SEO trends. 

Monday 10 December 2018

Why is SEO Crucial Element in a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is optimization efforts made by marketers for brands to get discovered by their target audience in search engines easily. That’s not it, SEO services assist in the implementation of an important digital marketing strategy wherein the success in organic search rankings amplify the efforts put in others digital marketing areas such as Online Reputation Management (ORM), Search Engine Marketing(SEM) etc.
There are several strategies used by an SEO agency. India has several companies that offer integrated digital marketing services with competitive SEO services as well. Generally, an experienced SEO company runs the necessary SEO audits to analyze your website before discussing strategies relevant to your business.
After understanding the problem areas and the need for SEO as per the audit results, you may invest in the expertise of an SEO services company. Some of the actions performed by the SEO experts to improve your SEO include adding meta tags and inbound links. Based on keyword research, the keyword density of relevant keywords on your website is increased strategically using well-crafted content pieces.
Power Of Consistent SEO Efforts
Are you investing all your time and energy only in specific channels at a time? Because success stories will prove that the success of digital marketing efforts depends on integrated marketing strategies. SEO is a digital marketing strategy that you cannot implement once and exit. To sustain the success, you have to perform SEO maintenance on a regular basis.
There’s no doubt that well-implemented SEO efforts help you to gain improved rankings for your web pages in search results. However, there are instances where companies invest in SEO and once the rankings are enhanced, they move on to investing in other digital marketing strategies. What many business owners fail to see is that SEO helps in long-term success only when consistent efforts are put in to maintain the achieved rankings.
Imagine getting a plant, nurturing it and then leaving it aside to focus on other plants. The plant needs constant nurturing to stay alive. Similarly, if you do not continue your SEO campaigns to maintain the rankings, the rankings will eventually drop. Later, you will have to start all over again to build your rankings. This will also mean that you will have to spend more on fresh SEO campaigns for regaining your search rankings.
Now, if you run SEO, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media and other digital campaigns in an integrated manner, you will get a fuller online presence. Video campaigns will be in alignment with your text ads. There will be consistency in your brand presence all across the web.
More Than Search Engine Rankings
Search engines are no longer about a single search page listing. When you search for a query on Google, the AI-powered search engine gives you a results page with location maps, images, social media links, video links and lots more. SEO specialists will understand your business and develop strategies to gain maximum visibility in areas that will bring in more business for your company.
While experts from an SEO company craft strategies to improve your organic reach, the end goal is to enhance the overall online presence of your business to gain maximum ROI. Maintaining a top position in the Search Engine Result Pages ultimately results in a boost in considerable traffic for your websites. By making the appearance of your site in the prominent search listings, SEO services get you greater brand credibility.
Be it e-commerce or non-e-commerce websites, SEO leads to results which are visible and trackable. Finally, SEO offers the dual benefit of assisting the search engines to navigate through your website easily and helping your website visitors with an intuitive site experience.
To conclude, SEO turns out to be among the most cost-efficient marketing strategies to boost ROI which needs to be taken seriously. Discuss with experts about designing an SEO-integrated digital marketing plan for your business and any digital marketing service.

Friday 26 October 2018

Why Social Media is an Important Part of Your SEO Strategy ?

Wondering whether to give more importance to SEO or Social Media Marketingstrategy or both? Search the brand name ‘Microsoft’ on ‘Google’ and the Twitter feeds of Microsoft will appear in the search results. Other than Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other active social media handles of leading brands can be seen on search engine pages too.
As per the latest statistics, the current world population of 7.6 billion people. Out of the 7.6 billion, 4.2 billion users use the internet and 3.03 billion people are active social media users. The number of social media users are rising and so are the search queries, both in search engines as well as through search on social websites.
A simple search of a known brand gives a clear picture about the critical role played by social media in the success of your SEO strategy.Here are some of the key reasons why social media should be an essential part of your SEO plans:
  • Search in Social Media
Did you know, it is not only the search engines where people search for keywords but also the search feature on social media websites? Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or another social search engine, people search for information on their favourite social networks. That’s why, brands need to push valuable data on their social media profiles as well.
Additionally, there are dedicated search engines such as Google Social Search, Pipl, Buzzsumo and others to find answers across social search pages. SEO optimisation by reputed SEO services companies also includes optimising search results in social media search results.
  • Ranking of social profiles in search engines
As per Statcounter September 2018 statistics, Google continues to dominate as the market leader with 92.3% in search engine market share globally. Social profiles are important because they feature on search engine pages for specific search queries wherein answers can be found in social media posts, descriptions or other valuable content. Social Media Optimization services by a SEO Company will be invaluable for businesses aiming to push the ranking of their social profiles on leading search pages. Generally, social media optimization involves regular posting of fresh content and search engines search the web for fresh content related to search queries to give search users the latest information on the search query.
  • Brand consistency in social media, web pages and other landing pages
Imagine going to a brand store and liking a product. You will wish for the same product quality in the other stores of the same brand. Similarly, the social pages and the official website of a brand need to have consistency in the style and tone of visual as well as text content presented to your visitors. For businesses, trying something new without brand consistency can mislead the brand perception of their followers.It is not a good idea to add too much casual content on the social page of business that is formal in tone on their official website. Connect with your target audience across platforms to build your brand online and in turn, it will positively impact your SEO efforts as well.
  • Interlinking of web pages and social media sites for cross-branding
Authentic links of a brand shared on social pages lead to more quality links on the web. SEO services can deliver more effective campaigns by reposting quality links from one social website to another site. Also, placing social sharing buttons with your SEO-enriched articles helps to amplify your content across platforms.
  • Increase your reach on social networks
Choose the social networks frequently visited by your target audience. Share more content on those specific social networks than rushing towards building a presence everywhere. Focussing on specific social networks will not only boost your reach but also push the page rankings of those sites on search pages due to higher chances of social profile page engagement.
While there are people who can get you fake followers on social media sites, search engines are smart enough to identify those fake followers. Increase your social media reach in an organic way with engaging content that is posted regularly. If search engines find out about the fake following on your social sites, it may affect the search rankings you have been attracting through your social pages.

Monday 22 October 2018

Why your business needs a WordPress Maintenance plan?

WordPress is no doubt one of the most popular CMS platforms used by big brands for building stunning websites. But once the website is built, do you want to stop taking care of the website. Probably not. Most websites are created for a purpose. If you want regular engagement happening on your website, WordPress Maintenance services are something you should seriously think about.
Here are 5 key reasons why a business requires professional WordPress Maintenance service plans for your website:
  1. Save time and efforts spent on DIY and additional resources
Say you are an e-commerce website owner or a professional service provider from a non-IT sector, would you prefer to spend your precious time on finding solutions for websites issues? If apparel manufacturing is what you do best, give the web maintenance work to the experts at a WordPress maintenance services firm who are qualified and experienced in web maintenance tasks.
Initially, it may be exciting to try solving the issues on your own but in the long-term, would it be worth your time or an effective solution to maintain your website on a regular basis? Maybe not. A DIYer may take more time to solve the issues compared to an expert.
  1. Automated updates and backups
WordPress releases updates regularly for improving the user experience. Experts will keep track of these updates and install it on time. Plugins are used for adding functionalities to WordPress websites. The latest updates for the plugins installed on your websites need to be updated for the functionalities to run effectively.
WordPress website maintenance services have scheduled backups for your websites. These backups can be used to restore your website quickly in case of a website crash. DDoS updates are also taken care of by WordPress maintenance services.
  1. Malware Monitoring
WordPress Maintenance plans usually come with 24/7 malware monitoring. This ensures that your website is safeguarded from unwanted intrusion. If your website exchanges sensitive data, then the maintenance experts will suggest advanced security protection as required.
  1. Tech Support
There are several technical glitches or security issues that can hamper the experience of your site users.Syntax errors, 404 errors, image issues are some of the tech issues that can occur in WordPress. If you are unable to solve the technical issues immediately on an active website with good site traffic then it may even impact the bottom line of your web-based business.
There is no guarantee that there won’t be any glitches if you are dealing with automated technology. A code error or corrupt file can also bring your website down. With a professional website maintenance services team to help you, technical issues can be resolved promptly with manual intervention by humans.
For customers or potential clients visiting your website, a website that is down consistently can cost your business and ruin your brand reputation. If the website is slow or shows errors due to lack of maintenance, customers might lose interest in your websites and may never return.
  1. Timely Maintenance
If you pile up maintenance issues, it will eventually become a mammoth maintenance task which can be expensive too. Regular WordPress maintenance means less website-related problems in the future. A well-maintained website also helps in your SEO efforts.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Why Web Maintenance Matters For Your WordPress Website?

Successful websites are maintained well. WordPress maintenance is just like cleaning your house, renovating it, removing undesired stuff and giving it a very welcoming feel. The only difference is the welcoming feel on your websites comes from the enhanced user experience that translates to better branding and sales for your business. So, the next step after building a great WordPress website is running timely maintenance for your site with the help of WordPress maintenance experts.
In the absence of regular web maintenance, you may end up concerning yourself with all or some of these 5 most likely questions:
  1. Why aren’t customers visiting my website?
  2. Why are my web pages taking so much time to load?
  3. Has someone made changes to my files?
  4. Why is there an error on my web page?
  5. My website isn’t showing up in search engines. Why?
Well, if you do not perform servicing of your vehicles, do they give an optimum performance? No, they don’t. Similarly, WordPress website maintenance fine tune your website from time to time to ensure that you do not face the frustration of the above questions. And even if any technical issues comeup, you receive immediate tech assistance if you have opted for the services of a WordPress maintenance company.
Website Content Updates
When you launched your website, your visitors arrived and explored the content. You need to have a Content Management System (CMS) in place to update your website with fresh content such as articles, videos, pictures, and other multimedia content. Site visitors will want to visit your website again only if you have something new to share with them.
A website that offers fresh content has higher chances of appearing in the search engines. The regular maintenance also ensures that the site codes are well-structured with the removal of bad files so that search engine bots can crawl your website easily.
Website Backups and Security
Backups are a norm for safeguarding data. Depending on the scale of a website, inadequate maintenance can lead to shutting down your website for a short period or a long time. If you do not have up-to-date backups, you may lose precious data in case of a sudden website crash. Website security may get compromised due to external hacker attacks.
WordPress maintenance services take care of your data by taking backups of your data at regular intervals. Also, malware scanning and other security monitoring services by web maintenance companies ensure that your site is protected from unauthorised website intrusions.
Website Issues
Once you build a website, several issues can crop up. Technical glitches can lead to error pages. If you have an e-commerce store, payment gateway errors can hamper your online sales. WordPress version updates and plugin updates have to be installed to avoid plugin issues or version related problems.
Website maintenance services help with troubleshooting the issues promptly. If you discontinue web maintenance then you may risk the loss of regular online visitors to your site who may move on to other sites if your website crashes or if their user experience isn’t consistent.
Sometimes, website owners are under the impression that the website is working fine and they can call a website company for support if there is an issue. In such instances depending on the gravity of the website issue, the charges for support can turn out to be expensive for the business.
Aarav Infotech is a website maintenance services company offering WordPress maintenance service at competitive rates. Maintain a smoothly running WordPress website with Aarav Infotech, contact +91 9699594142

Thursday 6 September 2018

10 Reasons Why Businesses Should Choose G Suite

You must be wondering what is G Suite and how it can be used to boost your business.
Well, one of the best suite application to manage businesses, G Suite for your large &small business is making a standalone mark in the market.
G Suite – What is it?
G Suite is an all-in-one suite of productivity solutions that offers a wide array of web-based applications and services designed to help organizations communicate, collaborate, and store data.
Top reasons for choosing G Suite
Let us now discuss the top reasons to choose G Suite for business
  1. Limitless Storage Capacity:
Forget about those quotas. G Suite’s Basic edition includes 30GB of online storage per user. For unlimited storage, upgrade to the Business or Enterprise edition. Cut on the expenses for saving on DropBox, Box accounts as well as file servers.
  1. Central Service Provision
An easy to use dashboard helps you manage everything from the central position, thus cutting you time in both the first phase of setting up as well as during running.
  1. Extended Features for Collaboration Tasks
With the applications of Google’s next generation, the users are allowed to collaborate with their partners and colleagues from other organizations as well.
  1. Application based on Cloud
G Suite reduces the cost as well as the complexities of maintaining a secured infrastructure based on a cloud as it comes with it from the beginning.
  1. Collaborating at Real Time
You can use Google Drive in G Suite to create documents, presentations, spreadsheets and view as well as edit them at the same instance.
  1. Anytime access from anywhere
As long as you have an active connectivity of the internet, you can access G Suite from any corner of the world and on any device, thus freeing you from your desk.
  1. Ease to share calendars
You can share calendars so people see full event details or just if you are free.You can now keep each other informed of your schedule by sharing calendars.
  1. Powered and boosted by Gmail
The platform of e-mail that G Suite uses is Gmail. Gmail, being one of the best strong platforms of email in present market, increases your digital security, flexibility of work as well as speed.
  1. Control of Security and Audits
Advanced ability to audit by getting faster info related to branches as well as provides you with the reports that will help you to manage threats and trends of security. You can also use G Suite to look into a sudden breach and also help you save money for services and tools to make your work secured.
  1. Powerful applications for any devices
Mobile element is one of the most common components of the workforce in today’s businesses and organizations. Access GSuite from your laptop, tablet, or phone view and edit your schedule from your phone or tablet.
Thus, it is an all in one package that you may need to look after all your problems.
The most noteworthy benefit that the G Suite provides you is it makes your job done with the lowest possible hassle at the least cost possible. It makes use of a lot of Google Apps for business in one place and reduces your effort and saves time.
At present, it is nothing to be surprised of that such huge counts of businesses are starting to depend on G Suite as the most preferred tool for productivity.                 

Monday 20 August 2018

Why Regular Website Maintenance Is Important For Your Business

Novelty and consistency in experience engage your customers online. Website Maintenance Services ensure that new content and seamless browsing experience continues on your website. Timely website maintenance is critical for your business growth. After all, if customers don’t find value on your website or find it difficult to gain access to our offerings, you will lose sales and the whole purpose of building a website becomes pointless.
Some of the key benefits of regular website maintenance are:
• Fresh content
Imagine going to a shop and finding the same flavour of ice cream every time. You will eventually lose interest in going to that shop and would definitely want to check out the next shop which offers more flavours along with the flavour served in the first shop. Similarly, you need to give something new in your website by adding new articles, videos, slideshows or other forms of content as relevant to your business.
Another example of newness in content is of a newspaper. If you serve the same news to your website visitors, again and again, they won’t feel the need to visit your website again. At regular time intervals as apt for your business, update your website about your events, happenings in your industry, upgrades of your products and more. With web maintenance experts taking care of your content management, you can add in content in a timely manner on your site. Consistent site traffic from customers will translate to more business for your organization.
• Technical updates
You have built a WordPress website but what about maintenance? WordPress website maintenance services take care of WordPress version updates, plugin upgrades, and other technical issues by ensuring smooth functioning of your websites. Online businesses that sell products cannot afford a downtime due to technical glitches mainly during peak hours on their website. Technical upkeep is essential even for service sites where real-time services such as customer support and auctions take place.
• Better search rankings
Many SEO experts believe that search engines rankings of your website can be improved with consistent fresh content. According to the experts, Google’s crawlers give importance to those websites that provide relevant and updated content. Also, regular website maintenance takes care of broken links and error pages so that search engines can crawl the website as per the sitemap effectively.
• Customer Experience
According to a report by Walker, by the year 2020 customer experience will be overtaking product and price as the critical differentiator for branding. Faster websites, user-friendly web navigation, and customized content are essential for enhanced customer experience.
• Save cost and effort
Maintaining the website is not just about adding new content or occasional upgrades. Sometimes, people are under the pretext that website maintenance can be done on their own without much effort. Hiring a dedicated Web specialist in-house isn’t a viable option for small and mid-sized businesses. And without technical expertise, if people try to perform IT functions, they may end up creating issues that will affect the website operations and the whole thing may turn out to be a more costly affair.
Website maintenance charges a monthly or annual fee to take care of website maintenance areas such as website updates, backups, malware removal, content management and more. These service providers have scheduled backups and server performance check-ups to ensure that your website is up and running all the time. Periodic reports of maintenance sent by web maintenances companies to their clients keep the clients well-informed about the maintenance work performed on their website.
Experienced WordPress website maintenance expert can help you to reach your desired web traffic without the technical glitches that impact user experience.
For website maintenance services, get in touch with Aarav Infotech, an ISO-certified company. You can contact their website experts at

Thursday 2 August 2018

Few Reasons Why HTTPS Should Be Enabled On Your Website?

HTTPS or hypertext transfer protocol is a very great way using which users can encrypt information between a web server and a browser. This protects the users of the websites from middlemen who try to steal information that is being sent to the website like login information or credit card info.
HTTPS connections have always been generally used for websites that have some sensitive information, but nowadays other sites are also switching to HTTPS lately. It is a very easy way to implement secure connections.
What are SSL certificates?
An SSL certificate can be defined as some data files that can be added to the server by the user to achieve an encrypted and secure connection between the server and browser. When it is installed, the users will be able to see a green padlock when they visit the website. It indicates that the site is secure. When HTTP is added with SSL, it becomes HTTPS.
Reasons to enable HTTPS
There are various reasons to enable HTTPS on the website, and it can be very beneficial in various ways.
  • It provides a reliable status for users –
Almost everyone in the world now uses the internet today, and the common demand of everyone is safe surfing and browsing as it includes their accountability and information. For some years most of the eavesdropping and hacking incidents were mainly done online. So HTTPS was introduced which indicates that the website is a high quality and secure website.
  • It protects the integrity of a website –
HTTPS is an excellent way of protecting a website from faulty communications and intruders between a website server and the browsers of the users. Encryption helps in securing house information, private data of users and client information as well as ensures that the cybercriminals are not able to interrupt the data. It helps to present the online business or website as a legitimate and secure website.
Some third-party institutions do hacking by injecting harmful and malicious ads by breaking the security of the website as well as the browser in the form of images, cookies, and scripts, etc. These can occur from any internet connection. HTTPS protects the website as well as the browsers from these intrusions and also increases a website’s integrity.
  • It is excellent for search and SEO rankings –
It is also now officially declared by Google that the websites have HTTPS/SSL enable are going to get more priority over the websites that don’t have HTTPS. For example, there are two websites with almost the same parameters then the website that has HTTPS enabled will be preferred over the other site by Google while analyzing analytics and rendering SEO. This ultimately will provide excellent rankings in Google search results for the website, and the business will also grow.
  • HTTPS not secure anymore by Google –
It is very important to get HTTPS enabled on a website for fixing the perceptible safe and secure encryption to external and internal information. Previously people were scared to give credit card information and other personal information online as countless phishing, and false activities took place on various websites.
So now Google is encouraging to switch to HTTPS and Chrome is now warning users that HTTP is not secure. HTTPS is much needed to run an attentive and tenable secured website. Google is also encouraging other store owners to enable HTTPS for a secure connection. Google may call out websites or companies that are not enabling HTTPS and are ignoring the safety of sensitive information of customers.
  • It is also essential for mobile sites that are Google accelerated –
AMP or accelerated mobile pages technology helps in making pages load fast and instantaneously on mobile phone browsers. Google is also now indexing mobile pages as the majority of web traffic comes from mobile devices now. So Google may decide search results also considering mobile websites.
Also, load speed is also important for rankings, so websites that are AMP enabled are more likely to rank better than non-AMP sites. But for fast page load AMP also needs HTTPS. Future benefits rely on HTTPS. So it is important to buy SSL certificate to encrypt the mobile webpage traffic.
  • It helps to get correct referrer data –
HTTPS is developed for a secure environment on the internet. When pages that are unencrypted come as traffic from SSL encrypted sites, the analytics render them as direct traffic and no referrer. Due to this, all referrer data is lost. So to avoid this, the websites should have SSL certificates.
HTTPS/SSL certificate is very important for a website. It not only protects the website but also the users’ valuable information. Having a good SSL certificate can be very beneficial in the growth of the company or the website.

Monday 23 July 2018

Top 5 Monthly Website Maintenance Tips For Your Business

Websites are highly essential for every single company. They need to be maintained properly so that they can be attractive to the viewers and serve without any hindrance. Wondering how your company’s website can be maintained? Well here are 5 easy tips which will help you to do the monthly maintenance service.
However, always keep in mind that website maintenance services will give you better results than doing it on your own. So it’s always recommended that you hire a professional to keep your website well maintained. Now let us delve into the 5 great tips, take a look.
The Top 5 Tips for Website Maintenance
  • Add New Content
Though this is not the only thing that will determine how your website is doing but updating your content in a regular basis will give the visitors a variety. A refreshed feed will keep the customers enthusiastic. It also gives an impression that a company takes its website maintenance seriously. So get the website maintenance done every month.
  • Check For Compatibility
Whenever you add something new and exciting in your site you must check whether it is compatible on all platforms or not. A lot of people will visit your site but what’s the point of giving out information if they are not able to view it anyway? So keep on checking whether all the parts are supported by every browser present and every device that you can think of.

  • Improve The Speed Of Your Site
As you keep of loading more content, the site speed is bound to drop. Ask the professionals to check the speed of your site with the various told they have. If it’s found to be way too slow, then take measures to improve the speed of the site. A site with old content can be overlooked, but a site which lacks speed? That’s a no, no for any kind of business. Maintain a smart internet presence.
  • Interaction Space
Add a space of your website that will allow you to interact with your potential customers. Maybe give them a contact us box where they can express whatever they have on their mind. They might also be able to inform you about the various bugs in your site that you overlooked initially. You can then call the WordPress maintenance services providers and fix the errors pointed out by the visitors. The key to a successful online business is allowing the customers to speak their heart out. Assure them that they are being heard.
  • Unused Plugins Can Be Eliminated
A lot of websites which are on WordPress have a plethora of plugins. These plug-in improve the functionality of any kind of sites. However, there might be a huge no. of plugins which in turn tampers with the performance of your site. So if you think there are a lot of excess plugins which are not needed by your site then call WordPress Website Maintenance Company and get those removed. This will greatly improve the security of the site and make it faster at the same time. See how users enjoy surfing through your amazing website.
Thus these were the top 5 tips that can be beneficial for any company. Website maintenance should be done on a regular basis and make sure that professionals are called for it. After all your website is an online asset that brings you a lot more recognition and revenue than any physical store. So, maintain a healthy and fast website and see the growth.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Is Your Site Ready For Mobile First?

There is no doubt about the fact that mobile traffic has come a long way when it comes to generating traffic online. It is a fact that most of the traffic that is generated online is from the mobile websites. Did you know that almost 79% of the traffic that will be generated this year will be from the smartphones? No matter what services you have, mobile phones will get you what you want.
Tablets and smartphones rule the online world these days so, it is really important for the business developers to know that whether their sites are ready for the mobile-first index or not.
There is no surprise when we say that Google is one of the main factors for the generation of traffic for the websites. Mobile certainly is a critical tool and just having a site that is mobile-optimized is not important. There can be some potential issues and it is important to increase the appeal of the website on Google.
Here’s how you can know that whether your site is ready to face the potential issues or not.
The Mobile-First Index Of Google: What Exactly Is It?
Let’s be honest, when we first got to know about this indexing for mobile-friendly websites, we certainly thought that the apocalypse had struck.
Let’s just say that some websites couldn’t take the burn and be completely destroyed. Online forums were filled with riots. Well, not really but the situation was close enough. Well, why not exactly? The indexing system for the Google-First websites will change the particular way in which the users and businessmen optimize their content.
So, what is all the hype about? What exactly is this mobile-first index? Well, let’s just say that Google’s mobile-first index will ensure that the user’s mobile website used first for the evaluation of a site instead of the desktop version. This surely will change the way people focus on their websites for sure. And what is the reason behind this importance to the mobile websites? Well, it is because the traffic generated by mobile websites is surpassing the desktop websites.
How to Know Whether the Website Is Ready For Mobile-First Index
It is really important to make sure that their websites are all capable to handle the pressures of the mobile-first index.
But how exactly can they make sure that their websites are all ready to take the leap? Well, that all depends on the setup that your mobile websites and desktop websites have in the current situation.
What are some of the common things that people use in their mobile websites? Well, it would definitely be mobile-friendliness of the websites and the mobile responsiveness of the website.
Now, you might be thinking that these two websites have almost the same things in them. But then if you think so, you would be wrong. They sound exactly similar; there is one major difference that can have a great impact on your website.
You see Google likes the responsive mobile websites that will allow the user to eliminate the simple experience issues. Hence, having a mobile-responsive website would really help.
It won’t be an easy task for the mobile websites to reach Google mobile-first index so easily. However, if your website is strong enough, then you might get to enjoy the benefits that come with it.